Monday, April 20, 2015

Memories of winter

Celica says:

No, I don't like winter because I can't get outside and do my tour of the yard. This is why....
It's not really a lot of snow this time, but it's sure cold on the toes.

Sunday, January 11, 2015


Celica says:

YES! And I love it.

The slaves have been having cosy fires in their fireplace recently because it's so cold outside. And it turns out that fires aren't scary at all! I love lying down in front of the fireplace and being so warm.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

I'm back!!!!

Celica says:

My slaves really dropped the ball on my blog (and I didn't chase it either). The other day, my man slave reminded my lady slave that my blog was languishing ... unloved and unread. She had forgotten all about it!!!!
She apologized and said she'd try to do something about it right away.

So she's been stalking me for some pictures.

She lets me out the front door now and then. I like to sniff the woodpile to see who has come by lately.

But I come back really fast and here I am wanting back in ... NOW!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Cottage time

Celica says:

Well, here I am back at the cottage.

What have I been doing?

Well, I have managed to do some hunting. Those chippies are fast!

I try to be patient and wait for the chippie to come down, but somehow they disappear.

My slaves tracked this one to a little tree where it was filling its pouches with some berries.

Oh well. It was tiring work, so I had a little snack ...

... and then a snooze on the porch.

Monday, May 27, 2013


Celica says:

I went on vacation!

The slaves decided to go on a trip and they had to take an airplane and couldn't take me. I probably wouldn't have liked that much anyway. So they found a nice place for me to stay where I would have a vacation too.

I checked in at the Pussycat Hotel. It's a beautiful spot in the country.

Here's my room.

I had a  window with morning sunshine. I could perch up there and watch the birds outside. I had a comfy bed and a big post to scratch on.

The best part was the great care from Judy and Ian. They fed me and the other guests, kept our litter clean,  made sure we played nicely together - and played with us too. Here's Judy with Percy and Stewy.
The hotel is really a home away from home. It has a table and chairs, couches and recliners, just like I'm used to. And of course "cat furniture" too. Oh, and a TV that plays really good movies for us, featuring birds and fish and stuff.
I had a good time and made lots of friends. But I was pretty glad to go home too.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

A cold spring

Celica says:

They tell me it's spring now, but it still looks like winter to me. I still have my pathways in the snow out in the back yard.

I want grass!!!!

And the front yard looks like winter too.

Not an angel

Celica says:

The cat next door is named Angel. Well, I can tell you, she is no angel. She hisses and scratches my slaves. In fact, she bit my man slave one time and he had to get shots!!! And I know what "shots" are like. Not nice.

So I watch the front door a lot, just to make sure she's not there.

And of course, over she comes!!! She pounds on the window and I pound on my side. And I tell her to "GO AWAY!!! It's MY house!!!!!